Utata Train
Trains is not only Utata's inaugural and flagship project, it was the inspiration for this website and is an ongoing concern with new photographs regularly added.
Trains was selected on July 2, 2005 as a Yahoo! Pick of the Day who said, in part:
"The exhibit left the station with 27 artists and 100 photos, but it's picking up participants from coast to coast. You'll find iconic photos of Pullman cars and switchyards, and dreamy shots of lonesome lads who walk the tracks. From the Hobo Depot, to the flat yellow fields of the Canadian prairie, to a British Blur and a Dutch 'Train in Rain,' this enchanting collection offers as many moods as there are train songs, traditions, and rails to ride."
Wooo wooo, all abooooaaaard!
Utata Train has 318 entries.