Virtualtata 2006

Linda (manymuses) wrote: We've talked about adding some collaborative projects to the site that will enable you to work together with fellow Utatans, and there's no time like the present to get started. How about a quick interactive project to kick off the summer vacation and travel season for those of you who have a desire to see the world and meet up with some of your fellow Utatans, if only virtually? Imagine traveling vicariously through your host photographer to a tropical beach, a prairie meadow, a downtown club, without all that pesky packing and airport security hassle! I give you Virtualtata 2006. The idea is inspired by a Flickr group called "Your Picture Travels Around the Globe" . Members post self portraits that others can download, print and then photograph in their own surroundings and daily travels. In "Virtualtata" your assigned host photographer will download your image, print it, then photograph you in another part of the world, then you will follow suit with the Utatans you are assigned. Take your guests out to paint the town red; buy them an ice cream, take them for a dip at the pool, show them around the usual tourist destinations, but do so with creativity and flair. Imagine what sites you would show them if they were there in the flesh, or integrate their images into your daily work and home life. The sky is the limit- the more clever and unique the better. Try to think outside the rectangle!
Virtualtata 2006 has 154 entries.
Utata » Tribal Photography » Projects