Nature Essays
Duckling Repose
Even though the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is the most common wild duck in North America, I have been asked to identify this bird on several occasions, often holding back from claiming “That one’s Bob!” A large mallard population makes Stanley Park a permanent base, favouring the quiet waters of Lost Lagoon and Beaver Lake.
Mallards are known as dabbling ducks. Dabblers feed by skimming the water surface or upending in the water to nibble at shallow pond bottoms in a rather undignified display of duck butt.
The Stanley Park mallards are quite tame and don’t mind getting close to humans, especially ones that give out snacks. Springtime is a favorite mallard viewing season for park visitors, with fluffy mallard ducklings busily exploring water, rocks and an abundance of snooze time. Mama mallard is always close by, ready to issue soft warning quacks if people get a little too close. Precocious siblings sometimes persuade one of their own to keep watch when the gang needs a rest.
Mallards are considered to be a species “of least concern” to conservationists and seem to have adapted well to life in Vancouver’s many urban parks.