Social Essays

Luis and Alisa

Alisa has always held the firm belief that unconditional love and acceptance can fix just about anything. She knows from experience that kids respond in amazing ways to having structure, love, cuddles, respect and a genuine sense of belonging. Both Luis and Alisa are from lower middle-class families; Luis was raised in Puerto Rico and was fostered then adopted by his great-aunt and uncle, moving to Buffalo with them when he was a young teen. He was a wild boy and became a wild teen. He has always said that Alisa saved his life, and the two have been inseparable since they met 10 years ago. They’re both intelligent and well read as well as being musicians. Alisa is the more organized one of the pair, working hard to financially support their family and keeping their finances whipped into order.

They are both loving and affectionate to all the kids who enter their lives; their house is frequently crowded with kids staying over, visiting and raising a ruckus in the upstairs playroom. That’s not to say that you won’t ever hear either of them often yelling at the pantry door being left open so the dog could eat all of the chips, or at the lipgloss capsule being left in the laundry and ruining an entire load of clothes. And table manners are an expected behavior, so correcting at the dinner table happens regardless of who is the actual parent of the child!