
Oh Captain, My Captain

I love photos with a sense of motion and emotion. I love the suspended animation of faces and hands and legs caught in mid-movement, the unguarded expressions and the static energy that surrounds all life. Dog shows and horse shows and even ballet recitals and children’s plays have this same intense emotion around them – people anxious for their pets and children to do well, to behave, to justify their pride. There is a lovely positive energy of preparation and hope and expectation.

When we love something, whether it be a child, a garden, a pet or the old heap of tires and bolts in the back yard, a palpable glow radiates from us when we hold them or pet them, talk about them or show them off to our firends. Let your eyes wander from the protective holding hand and the dog tucked under the arm to the matched gazes. Let your mind embrace the sense of ceremony inherent in the white jacket of the owner … this is a rare moment where you can emotionally share the subject’s pride and joy.

But I don’t think he’d let you actually hold it.

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