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A Hard Day’s Night

It’s the nature of technology to constantly reshape and refashion the material world. That may sound radical, but there’s nothing the least bit contentious about it. Technology exists to augment and extend the limitations of the human body and mind. We have, in effect, created technology in our own image, and it is our nature to modify and transform the world in which we live.

Both technophobes and technophiles generally fail to comprehend this fact. Technology is neither god nor devil, it’s neither saviour nor destroyer. Technology is just us, magnified, enhanced and reinforced. The wonders of technology are our wonders; its horrors are our horrors. Whether that gives one hope or causes one to despair…well, that’s up to you.

Technology has allowed us to bring light to a dark and mystifying world. It can also, of course, allow us to return it to darkness. I wonder at times about the last tune played on the last iPod before its battery dies, and humankind is left to huddle around a campfire.

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