
they still use this cash register

There’s a lot to be said for form following function, for simplicity of design, for understatement. Most of my favorite objects are those whose smooth curves or warm tints blend seamlessly into their settings, cups or dresses or pens that work well and improve my life on a daily basis but never call attention to themselves.

And then there are those objects in which form gives function a run for its money, objects in the face of which the words “ornate” and “frivolous” and “baroque” seem not inadequate, but irrelevant. There is no rational reason for this cash register to be covered in gilt, or wear a crown. There’s no need for two pointy fingers to be printed on its little black screens. This cash register makes no sense whatsoever.

But heck if it doesn’t make serving drinks to those crazy fools who come in here every day a hell of a lot more fun.

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