Orange Juice

I believe in the Table, the center of Goodness, around which all gather for the nourishment of the Body and the sustenance of the Spirit. As it was at Breakfast, so shall it be at Lunch, and ever shall be at Supper. Blessed art thou among furniture, and blessed is the fruit and food upon thee.

I believe in the Juice of the Orange, and in the Pulp from which it came. Give us this day our Fresh-squeezed and deliver us from frozen concentrate. Forgive us our slurping, as we forgive those who slurp beside us. Strengthen me, Holy O.J., that I may defend all that is orange and juicy.

At the end of this day I thank you most heartily for all the graces I have received from Table and Juice. Holy O.J., pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our late night snack. Amen.

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