
Snail macro

For today, a quiet meditation: an emergent pattern of existence, reflected in so small a thing. Call it the work of a god, an expanding universe, a fundamental law of mathematics, whatever you like; perhaps there is truth in all of them. Who are we to say?

If we look from afar, we observe these golden proportions in massive systems, so much larger than ourselves. Spiral galaxies, with logarithmic arms unfolding. Hurricanes, spinning off the coastlines. Patterns of reproduction that spin on for generations.

We encounter it in tiny forms as well. The petals and leaves of certain flowers, arranged just so around their stems; the measurements of DNA molecules. The inner ear, the very center of balance and equilibrium.

And we see it on the back of a small, soft creature, making its humble way through the garden in the damp of the morning. We might know it’s there only by the holes nibbled in the cabbage-leaves. Frogs and blackbirds chirp in the distance. Dew sparkles on grass, near and far. Even in true stillness, there is motion and sound and direction; there are finite and infinite patterns that connect all things.

We contain multitudes, all of us.

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