
Chair at the window

One of the most Utatan things in Utata is the strange, shared habit of Iron Photographer. In our more academic moments we might describe it as a lofty creative exercise, whereas it’s really a handy reason to get a little out of box, document the process, and share it with others of like mind.

I’m especially fond of its alchemy, and the way these odd combinations give way to expression. Sometimes they tell a story all on their own, before we even read what the photographer has to say. Take, for example, Liz’s wonderful entry for IP #231. Enjoy the image for a few moments — take a few sips of that friendly color and sunlight — and you might find that you’ve already got the real heart of the matter:

“This chair had been my children’s booster chair. It had come all unglued over the years, but I was very fond of it and saved it. Recently, I found a good woodworker and had it repaired. Now it just sits around looking pretty. It’s a rich burnt orange color, so that made me think of my orange shirt, and one thing just led to another.”


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