

I value the word chaise. It should always be written in italics; ideally by a charming calligrapher who holds a royal warrant to shape words very prettily with a quill, and who works in a delightful studio, overlooking a paddock, dappled with pretty sheep… Chaise.

It should always be spoken as if by Maurice Chevalier gliding leisurely across that diphthong; or failing that it should be said like a precocious child who sees no point in school as they have already planned a future as an assassin, or a poker player, in Macau, or Monaco… Chaise.

This particular chaise has a history, it has had adventures , it has undoubtedly known many bottoms. In more than one way it has become art, but in essence, it is still a chaise… Unless, of course, you think it is a sofa.



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