

Maybe this day is ordinary. Maybe it’s a little bit good, or a little bit bad. Maybe there’s some lingering chore that you really need to get done, some little thing you’ve been putting off for too long, and you get a little sick of yourself and think, Enough. So you gather up the spare coins, roll up the windows, and trap yourself in an in-between space for a few minutes.

There’s something beautiful in the accumulated grime of the lives we live, and in the tactile nature of managing it. In the road gunk and bug guts and splattered mud, we find the same mystery we chase in the paints and the prints. We see it emerge when we give up control and lift something away, not really knowing the shape of what will be left behind, nor for how long.

Maybe it’s all there to slow us down, just for a minute, so we’ll have no choice but to notice the shape of new light when it trickles in.

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