
I have news for you. We should all move to Graz. Go ahead and photograph something that is associated with the place where you live, I wrote. Well if you live in Graz you’re really spoilt for choice. Emil lives in Graz, in Graz they have everything; museums, a mausoleum, a funicular railway (I expect they have a regular railway too, but why bother even mentioning that). They had a hilltop fortress (which is now a clocktower) they have a cathedral, a castle and a palace. They have a house whose walls are entirely covered in eighteenth century frescoes, and the rooftops of the old town are famously pretty. As if that wasn’t good enough they went and built a floating metal island in the middle of their river.

There is more. The people of Graz lived for centuries with all of that chocolate box, UNESCO world heritage site loveliness and decided to push it further. So they built this place: the Kunsthaus. This is a structure which stepped from the pages of a Jules Verne novel, a location from a Guillermo Del Toro movie, from a Moebius comic book storyboard. Even a crushed cola can looks good here.

So let’s all move to Graz, I bet they have good pastries too.




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