
oh, daffodil

Daffodils, those symbols of spring, should be nodding in warm sunshine or bathed in cool April showers. They should not be shaken about and sprinkled with snow. If there isn’t a rule about this – then there should be.

Whoever designed the daffodil understood the needs of newly-emerged bees and provided them with open cups of nectar and pollen to crawl into for the first feast of the season. And luckily that daffodil engineer made the flowers a little top heavy so that the snow would not fall inside and smother the plant, because they planned ahead for changes in the weather.

Though this daffodil is crisped in a coating of snow, that sunshine yellow shines through even a heavy snow shower, reminding us that warmer times are really just around the corner. And soon enough that daffodil will be glazed with the sheen of a springtime shower and nodding in a gentle zephyr breeze.

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