alias in wonderland

former corner shop – walthamstow (yellow)

Four ways to find the former corner shop:

1) Follow the woman wearing red leggings. But not too closely.
2) Study shop windows for the reflection of a goldfinch. She will guide you.
3) Collect brown eggs from a Delaware pullet, take them the center of town, crack one on the sidewalk. Which way does the egg flow? Follow and repeat.
4) Wander the grounds of the Leyton Jubilee Park until you see a man wearing a blue scarf. Tell him you’ve recently seen his uncle Miguel. If he asks, “Where?” say “In a coffee house on the Crow Road in Glascow.” Follow his directions exactly, without deviation. If he says, “I have no uncle” walk away. Quickly. Don’t look back.
5) The woman in the red leggings…don’t follow her. That was a mistake. I should not have mentioned her. Do not follow the woman in the red leggings.

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