Can't stop checking

Anna Heimkreiter

As much as I wish the story told in this photo was not mine, if I’m being honest… it is. Lately, I have been – once again – noticing the massive effects social media usage has on me. I could not really sleep well, found it hard to be present throughout the day, my mind always partially thinking about something happening online. The built-in reward system definitely works – but rather for the creators of those apps than for my mental health.
And while I find social networks and their potential of connection also very inspiring, the thing is: Whenever I do use them, I use them badly. I wouldn’t consider myself a phone addict per se – I could easily go on an internet-free adventure for weeks - but once I start being more active on social media, I find myself spending an increasing amount of time on those apps, eagerly waiting for the next like, catching myself checking Instagram without even having noticed I clicked on the icon, scrolling unconsciously and feeling more and more miserable.
The past two days I already tried to reduce my online time a lot and I realized how pleasant those moments are where we just sit and watch the sun coming in through the window without a phone in the hand. I don’t want to give up social media completely (because it can be wonderful), but I think I will have to figure out a way how to use it more consciously.

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