Pool Jumper
Mark Krajnak

Desk Sergeant: What's the charge here?
Officer Hal UtataBot of the Utata Police Department: Pool jumping.
Desk Sergeant: Ah I see. Another one of those, eh?
Officer UtataBot Yep. They just don't learn. We try to tell them...only post your photo in five pools, plus Utata. But they always try to sneak one past us.
Desk Sergeant: How many for this one?
Officer UtataBot: Nine! Can you believe it? He tried to post this photo in nine different pools. Ya gotta be kiddin' me! But we got 'em.
Desk Sergeant: They'll never learn. And he calls himself a photographer.
Me: I didn't do nuttin.' I want my lawyer.
For the Utata Weekend Project. Special thanks to Frank for letting me use his mug shot plate.
#352 of 365 Days of Photos 2007/2008
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