The story of a German Krautrock Band Part II
Stefan Jansson
After that successful summer the band decided to take a break. Dieter and his wife Sofia were on their way back to Stockholm when they collided with a truck near Hamburg. When the emergency services arrived to the scene of the accident the family of three was already dead. That was it for Unanticipated Technology. But today thirty years on the band has become cult. Previously unreleased songs and video from festivals and studio recording were released on a DVD a couple of years ago. The former band members have talked about a reunion, but that is unlikely to happen as the blind drummer, Hannes Wolf have been living as a Guru in India for the last 25 years. Last time I checked there were a couple of tribute bands out there performing UT songs. Florian and Johanna’s daughter Maria, who is a popular singer-songwriter in both Sweden Germany have recorded and performed a few songs from both UT albums. If you happen to own an original copy of the Unplayed Recordings LP like I do, count yourself lucky. There aren’t many good copies out there any more and they are very collectable.
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