No! You can't make me drink it! I won't!


No more cranberry! Down with cranberry!

So the shot to the arse and the Cipro seemed to be helping on Saturday, but Sunday the pain came back. It has steadily worsened since then. Now it's Monday night and I'm getting kind of worried...shouldn't this be getting better, rather than worse?


*edited 6/6/06 (wow, lookit that date!) 12 pm: I went to the doctor this morning. I think the man was smoking crack. He said the pain is either my gallbladder or my ovaries. Um, what? I told him I'd had pain from both those things before and that this was completely unlike either of those kinds of pain. I also noted that, hey, I have a kidney infection, but he said the Cipro will "kill any bug that moves." He also told me things would be easier if I were male (a sentiment I generally couldn't agree more with) because there are "less organs to dick around with in there." I'm to go back on Friday if the pain isn't better. In the meantime: rest. Yeah, that's great advice, only, I can't sleep because of the pain. Thanks a lot, ya jackass.

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