Personal Essays
So I Don't Have To
The other thing about being honest, open, and forthcoming online is that it actually, quite handily, takes the place of offline candor. When I make a particularly truthful post--the kind that makes my husband say to me, “Boy, I’m really glad you wrote that, because I never would have known you felt that way”—I do it not because I want to talk to you about it in real life. I do it so I don’t have to talk to you about it in real life.
I do it so I don’t have to look at my feet while I explain why I’m ashamed of something, so I don’t have to catch the quaver in my voice while I tell you how much I love you, so I don’t have to pretend I’m not stupidly, embarrassingly proud of myself when I finally get something right.
I don't do it because I'm unguarded. I do it so that I can guard myself better.