Dreams I Might Have Had


Since I don't remember any of my dreams, I don't know what I dream about. I suppose this might be a good thing, because there are many people out there who suffer a constant nagging-they have dreams, they remember their dreams, and they don't understand the significance of their dreams. Fortunately (or not) the Internet is now filled with dream interpretation dictionaries-websites that explain exactly (ok, maybe not "exactly") the significance of your dreams.

As you can imagine, interpreting dreams is a bit of a subjective art. There are several meanings for some of the more common dreams, some of which might apply at any given time. It's usually left as "an exercise for the dreamer" to interpret their own dreams. This in turn can lead to greater frustration on the part of those who had little clarity to begin with-I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to want to know what something means, dig it up on the Internet or find some vague "general" meaning out in the great land of research, yet still be left clueless and hanging in the end.

Speaking of hanging or, more precisely, falling, falling is a very commonplace dream. According to most of the popular dictionaries out there, falling can be interpreted as fear: a basic fear of something like a hardship or stress that you experience in your day-to-day life. There are, of course, many different interpretations of the great fall in dreamland so, if you happen to dream about falling and can remember your dreams, it's probably a good idea to think about fear as a starting point, and take it from there.