Personal Essays

A Lovely Little Idea

Finally, I had a lovely little idea to enjoy, isolated from any of the every day hubbub knocking around in my brain.

I could have tried to further develop the idea into a full blown concept, to attribute meaning to it on multiple levels, but I didn’t

I could have wondered about the significance of my idea, but I didn’t.

I could have wondered did it tap into the collective human experience as a universal motif, or was it just a quirky, incongruous little brain fart? But I didn’t.

I could have wondered where this idea came from and where was it going. But I didn’t

I could have told myself that I was attributing too much importance to it. I was weighing it down with heavy symbolism. But I didn’t need to.

To do all that would have destroyed its essence because, you see, it only began as an amusing little thought.