Dreams I Might Have Had

The Curse of 'Green Gills' Garson (part 2)

I dream about the dead fish again. This is 'Green Gills' Garson's calling card. I should have taken note when I scrambled ashore that night. It was a warning, but I had to get to the house to save my sweetheart. I remember the heat that hit me as I approached the front door. The flames had already burnt the roof and the smoke was bellowing out of the windows. I remember entering the house and that was where I came face-to-face with 'Green Gills'. I couldn't help but gaze into those glowing eyes.

"Glaiket fool, unfortunately,
Never again will you glance upon me,
A fish out of water I curse thee,
So on yer way, return to the sea."

I started to suffocate, I couldn't get my breath. I had to get to the water and on board the 'Mellon Runner' because the legend was coming true. I remember how the seaweed on the beach seemed to hold me like quick sand as I ran towards the sea. I remember the biting cold as the water hit my charred skin and then my lungs as I swallowed for air. Just as I was about to pass out, I coughed up sea water and could breathe again. I don't remember raising the anchor, but somehow the boat was set adrift and I collapsed on deck.